The US has been painfully slow in clearly demonstrating a strategy aimed at supporting the pro-democracy aspirations of the Syrian people. It is now time to put forth the strongest condemnation possible, and align with the pro-democracy movement in Syria.
- Unequivocally, declare Bashar Al-Assad’s regime illegitimate and call for him to step down.
- It is time for the US to take a firm stance and not wordsmith responses of condemnation while leaving the door open for ‘reform’
- The Syrian people will not accept anything but the removal of the regime, and the opposition is maturing and will emerge to lead the nation ‘the day after’ Assad falls
- Further sanction the regime, and the industries propping them up
- We applaud the expanded list of targeted sanctions on members of the regime, however Syrian oil needs to be embargoed as ~1/3 of the regime’s budget is derived from this sector and is funding the military and security apparatus
§ Building on this, the US will need to pressure European consumers of Syrian oil to slash consumption of Syrian oil – while this will not make a major impact in the worlds oil market, it will severely restrict the regimes ability to fund the onslaught
- Exert pressure through the United Nations to isolate the regime
- Push for the temporary suspension of Syrian activity in the UN
- Pressure Security Council to refer Regime leaders to the International Criminal Court
- Assign a special representative of the Secretary-General to go to Syria, act as a monitor and report-back to UN
- Pressure Turkey and Lebanon to declare Syrian seeking refuge as refugees, not “visitors” to enable UN access to provide protection and assistance
- The Syrian refugees in Turkey and Lebanon have been isolated from the UN/NGOs and the rest of the world. They are currently suffering as the Turks are sequestering them in the hopes that other refugees will not cross the border. In Lebanon, there are reports that some Lebanese factions are deporting refugees back to Syria. As the regime becomes more desperate and more refugees cross the border, this is turning into a humanitarian disaster
- Showcase solidarity with pro-democracy movement by cutting or reducing diplomatic relations
- Take the lead by immediately expelling the Syrian Ambassador, and pressuring allies to do the same around the world
- Coordinate the withdrawal of foreign ambassadors from Syria while keeping a skeleton diplomatic presence to ensure monitoring and further reiterate the world’s rejection of the Assad regime
- Urge for opening the country before international media
In conclusion
The Syrian people are NOT asking for military intervention. Rather, they are asking for the US to stand by the values it preaches and to support the aspirations of the people by isolating the regime, politically, diplomatically and economically.
What the Syrian people are urging the US to do is to stand on the side of history. For the Syrian regime will fall - sooner rather than later. But the Syrian blood, shed today with US acquiescence will NOT be recovered. Nor it will be forgotten. Rather, it will stay unforgivable and haunting.
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